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4 Commenti
Inserito il 07 ottobre 2014 alle 05:03:41 da Anonimo.  0/5
ma da dove ne e9 uscita qustea notizia? Nokia non ha declassato proprio per niente anzi, dopo anni di successi ci sta puntando ancora!!! Purtroppo symbian e9 sottovalutato e non e9 sviluppato ancora bene immaginatevi che il nokia n8 si potrebbe sfruttare al 100% solo se si riuscisse ad hackarlo e9 tutto qua gli altri os sono avanti perche possiamo considerarli hackati , cioe9 possiamo farci tutto(o auasi) quello che ci pare!Non so se ricordate gli anni scorsi symbian era lento passa qualche anno e diventa veloce grazie agli FP2 poi symbian era macchinoso e questo e9 stato risolto grazie all'n8 Ora dove e9 il problema? Symbian3 e9 chiuso Hackatelo e godetevelo allora!
Inserito il 08 ottobre 2014 alle 09:09:46 da Anonimo.  0/5
Phones itself are <a href="">bonirg</a> but currently the gsm/gprs/umts radio is the only method that works "almost" everywhere also for providing the access to internet. This means that the gsm module is the most important of all of those at least for a couple of next years.Communication access over wifi/wimax works usually only in your home, work place, campus area or coffee shop, but not in the forest, in your car or in the bus. (Unless you carry also second phone device within)As the connectivity is must, phone is usually as important as wallet and keys and passport. The need for carrying yet another device works sometimes, but if you need to choose only either the 770 or phone, you usually take the phone...This does not mean that maemo doesn't provide a nice platform also without the phone, or could not push the development of communication methods when phone simply is not there. But wouldn't it be better if the device could also include the gsm module as a last change of establishing the connection if the wifi/wimax/bt/wibree could not be used.Btw, I just like propably many others have always dreamed that it would be realistic to carry only a phone containing the wallet and key functionalities in itself. Good luck with that :-)
Inserito il 11 ottobre 2014 alle 01:04:57 da Anonimo.  0/5
i didnt rcv d verification code via sms on my nokia n8. However i was askd if i wntd to rcv it via cacotnt support. Ddnt rcv d call me' option. Nw i defined d problem in cacotnt support option ,im askd to define mail settings. Nw hw do i gt d code ???? Reply</a> [url=]jaoomluhnow[/url] [link=]pmksickmwy[/link]
Inserito il 11 ottobre 2014 alle 07:39:22 da Anonimo.  0/5
From this article:"continuously share where you are even in the <a href="">bagrnkoucd</a> once you've closed the app."I would like to share my location with my friend or my coworker sometimes on a need to know basis. I don't know whether you'd be able to turn the <a href="">bagrnkoucd</a> updating off, but if you cannot, I'd say no thanks to this app.Theoritically, a good approach would be that when a person closes the app, it should shut off in the <a href="">bagrnkoucd</a> too. Because the person, especially if he or she is not tech adept and naive, is assuming that by closing the app, the person has stopped sharing his or her location. But this is apparently not so.Now someone can answer to this and it would correct: "In the settings of the app you can turn on and off <a href="">bagrnkoucd</a>ing."The problem is, lot of people who use iphone are wary about the settings, or are just plain uncomfortable with techy settings, or sometimes totally clueless that a setting like that might exist, or even bothered about fiddling with settings. You can disagree with me, but there are a lot of people out there who are like that.And for those people who don't turn it off properly, and they are assuming they have turned it off by closing the app...they might get into problematical or tricky or embarassing situations.Google could have avoided all that, by asking a simple question when the user is closing the app "Would you like to shut off <a href="">bagrnkoucd</a> updating too?" It would have been better programming in my sense. But that's just me, and I respect other people's opinions.

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